CSF Councils

CSF organizes priorities and tasks through councils, which serve as a platform for members to receive updates on current and upcoming issues affecting our objectives. Council participation is open to both Executive and Associate members.

Launch and Reentry Council

The Launch and Reentry Council focuses on promoting the safe and sustainable development of the U.S. commercial space launch and reentry industry. Priorities for the council include streamlining regulatory and licensing processes at the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST), establishing AST as an agency reporting to the Secretary of Transportation, and maintaining U.S. leadership in commercial launch and reentry operations.

Commercial Low-Earth Orbit Council

The Commercial Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Council focuses on advancing policy and legislation that supports the development of a robust and sustainable LEO economy that includes commercial LEO space stations, commercial transportation for humans and cargo, and commercial services for research and other economic activity. Priorities include federal funding and procurement for commercial LEO services and establishing a streamlined and transparent mission authorization framework.

Space Exploration Council

The Space Exploration Council works to advance civil space exploration and space science. The council advocates for federal agencies to rely to the maximum practicable extent on the domestic commercial space industry and fully integrate commercial solutions instead of building their own. The council also works to ensure government regulations and oversight are rightsized to support commercial space solutions.

Spaceports and Infrastructure Council

The Spaceports and Infrastructure Council focuses on establishing a robust and resilient U.S. spaceport network and examines legislation, policy, and regulations vital to the construction, maintenance, and utilization of commercial spaceports and launch and reentry infrastructure. The Council’s priorities include reforming and investing in the Spaceport Transportation Infrastructure Matching (STIM) Grant Program and streamlining spaceport development activities.

Remote Sensing and Analytics Council

The Remote Sensing Council focuses on policy and regulations that will unleash the commercial remote sensing industry. This includes growing federal use of commercial Earth observations for scientific research, education, and operations, improving the federal licensing process, and protecting spectrum.

Satellite and Space Situational Awareness Council

The Satellite and Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Council focuses on commercial satellite operations and the continued sustainability of space. Priorities include improved SSA and space traffic coordination, consistent orbital debris mitigation standards, and spectrum allocation and usage.

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Image courtesy: SpaceX